by Walter Allen Knittle, Ph. D.
Shiploads of German, people, variously estimated from two-thousand to thirty-two thousand, (John Stow, Survey
of the cities of London and Westminister (1720), II, 43 estimated the immigration of 1709 at two or three thousand;
William Maitland, History of London (1756), 1, 507 has, twelve thousand as their number; a contemporary account in
Das verlangte nicht erlangte Canaan...oder Ausfuhrliche Beschreibung von der unglucklichen Reise dere jungrthin aus
Teutschland nach dem Engellandandischen in America gelegen Carolina und Pensylvanien... (Francfurt und Leipzig, 1711), 113,
hereafter cited as Das verlangte nicht erlangte Canaan, gives the total number who went to England as 32, 468, ) arrived i
n London between May and November of 1709. A year earlier a small band of fifty had preceded them. As most of the later
and the greater part of the former group came from the Rhenish or Lower Palatinate, the name "Palatine", was applied
indiscriminately to the rest of the immigrants, although they came from the neighboring territories as well. ("A Brief History
of the Poor Palatine Refugees Lately Arrived in England" (July 18, 1709), in Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York
(Albany, 1902), III, 1782, hereafter cited as Eccles. Rec. Copies of the 1709 edition are in the British Museum,)
A contemporary pamphlet lists the home principalities as follows: The Palatinate, the districts
later and the greater part of the former group came from the Rhenish or Lower Palatinate, the
name "Palatine", was applied indiscriminately to the rest of the immigrants, although they came
from the neighboring territories as well.
("A Brief History of the Poor Palatine Refugees Lately Arrived in England" (July 18, 1709), in Ecclesiastical
Records of the State of New York (Albany, 1902), III, 1782, hereafter cited as Eccles. Rec. Copies of the 1709
edition are in the British Museum.) A contemporary pamphlet lists the home principalities as follows:
The Palatinate, the districts