Emigration of 1708
does not appear that he was provided with the capital for the plantation he envisioned.
His history and that of the Newburgh Palatines merged with that of the large immigration
of 1709 and will be discussed later in a chapter on the dispersal of the Germans in
New York. Meanwhile the various causes of Palatine emigration treated in Chapter II
were giving pause to many disheartened and dissatisfied Germans in the Rhine country.
The well established fact that Kocherthal had followed the course laid out in his Bericht,
gave further impetus to a movement of population, which for its brief intensity was
incredible in that age. Let us follow the 1709 emigration from the Rhineland to London.

MAP of RHINELAND, Germany, showing the source of the Palatine Emigration. The
borders of the Rhenish Palatinate are slightly shaded.
Drawn by A. Cefola