This Monograph is written from the view-point of the British government. This attitude is not only proper because the so-called "American" colonies were then British in name as well as in fact, but also the Palatine emigration was carried out under the auspices of the British, govetnment. Indeed, the British government itself engaged in the manufacturing, of naval stores, putting the Palatines to work at its own expense, consonant with the mercantilist aims of the times. The subject therefore may be described as remarkable because in dealing with the Palatines the British government exhibited in practice the mercantilist theories on immigration, naval stores colonies.
This study would have been impossible without the aid and encouragement of many scholars. Acknowledgement in this brief space can be made only to a few of the many. Important suggestions and advice were given generously by President Dixon Ryan Fox of, Union College, Professor Charles M. Andrews of Yale University, Professor Robert G. Albion of Princeton University, Mr. Victor H. Paltsits of the New York Public Library, Mr. Albert Cook Meyers of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and Mr. Henry S. Borneman, Secretary of the Pennsylvania German Society.
I am particularly indebted to Professor William Thomas Morgan of Indiana University, who gave me my first graduate training and who introduced me to my present subject. He has been most active and interested contributor. To Professor W, T, Root of Iowa University I must express my thanks for an amicable division of this subject with which one of his graduate students was engaged. To Professor Edward P. Cheyney I am grateful for sponsoring this study